Tutto sull’ovulazione ed i giorni più fertili

Getting the timing right: your fertililty

Getting the timing right: your fertililty

Can you no longer put aside your feelings of motherhood and is the time there to conceive a child? Then timing is everything! We’ll explain more about your ovulation and most fertile moments.

Timing, timing, timing

Sex every day! That’s what many couples think who are planning on starting a family. But this doesn’t necessarily help to get pregnant. A woman is only fertile a few days a month. Since your first period your body is getting ready to become pregnant. During your period a ripe egg gets produced, which we call ovulation. Only this egg can be fertilized by a male sperm cell. If you want to become pregnant, the trick is to time your fertilization as well as possible. Every menstrual cycle has a fertile period. The best days are around ovulation. Not after ovulation, but the days before. Do you know why? It’s because sperm remains alive in the female body for a few days and is most fertile in the first hours after ovulation. The most fertile period therefore consists of a few days, in which you have a 20 to 25% of getting pregnant every month. From the age of 30 this chance slowly decreases.

Calculate ovulation

Trying to get pregnant? Then it’s important to know when your ovulation exactly takes place. First of all, you need to find out what your cycle is. You’ll calculate this by counting the number of days from the first day of which your period begins, until the day on which you have your period again. Ovulation is 14 days before the first day of your next period. So if we take the average of a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation is probably around day 14. Your most fertile days are that day and the who days before.

Irregular menstrual cycle?

Unfortunately it’s not always that easy. You may have already noticed that the above isn’t suitable for all women. It requires a regular cycle. But the good news is: also if you have a less regular cycle, you can find out when you are most fertile. Again, it’s important to know when your ovulation takes place. You can get an ovulation test for this. The result of the test will be positive about two days before your ovulation. The following days you’ll have some work to do… ? For a young, healthy couple, the chance of becoming pregnant is 15% to 20% per month. It takes an average of one year. Without a test you can recognize ovulation by different symptoms. For example, the mucus in your cervix changes during the fertile days. It is more clear, transparent and elastic than usual. Your libido increases these days and your breasts become more sensitive. In addition, your body temperature rises. So if you measure your temperature at the same time every day, you can discover your ovulation as soon as you see a difference.

Not everything can be calculated

Of course, the above calculations are no guarantee that you will become pregnant. One woman is not the other. Was your friend pregnant in no time? It could take you months or even years. There are several factors that influence your fertility. Some of them you can control yourself: unhealthy food, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, smoking and drugs. However, it is also possible that your egg cell production does not work as desired. Try giving your fertility a boost. (link to new blog) And what about your partner, how strong is his seed?

Create your own unforgettable moments. Share your happiness or make it intimate but whatever you do, indulge because sometimes pregnancy is all about you


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