

The implantation process is one of the biggest milestones in your pregnancy. The fertilised egg attaches to and in the uterine wall. Now you are really pregnant!

What is implantation?

After fertilisation, the egg floats through the fallopian tube to your uterus. During its journey the first cell division already begins. Now you call the fertilised egg a blastocyst. Once it arrives in your uterus, the fertilised egg lands and nestles in the uterine wall. From its new position, the embryo develops further. It releases hormones that prepare your body for your baby, turn off your periods and allow your placenta to grow. This may cause you to feel tired and have abdominal pain. But this is the real start of your mini-me.

When does implantation occur?

Fertilisation usually occurs within eight to nine days of conception. Sometimes it can even occur within six or twelve days. So it can vary considerably. Fertilisation is usually considered the beginning of pregnancy, but implantation is a much more important milestone. From its place in your womb, your baby can only develop further. You are now in week four of your pregnancy.
What are the symptoms and signs of implantation?
The signs and symptoms of implantation can vary from one person to the next. Sometimes you may not notice it at all, but you may also experience abdominal pain such as cramps or stabbing in the lower abdomen, brownish discharge, and light loss of blood (spotting). You may also notice other early pregnancy symptoms, such as mood swings and breast pains. Have you felt nothing? No problem, not everyone feels anything. But you are still pregnant!

What is implantation bleeding and how does it differ from your period?

During implantation, a little blood may be released as cells from the uterine wall detach and make way for the fertilised egg. Approximately 15 to 25% of women experience implantation bleeding. Sometimes the difference between implantation bleeding and your period can be confusing. The implantation bleeding is usually only slight. It lasts only one or two days and its colour changes from light pink to brown. There are no clots and it does not flow like a menstrual period. The insemination bleeding occurs before it is time to have your period again. Normally, therefore, the symptoms are slight and there is no need to worry.

What does implantation pain feel like?

Many women do not feel anything from implantation, but the change in your hormones may cause cramps. When your period starts, you may experience the familiar menstrual pain. Pain during implantation is usually less severe and often feels more like pressure or tingling. If you experience severe pain or nausea, contact your doctor or midwife.

Pregnant or not?

Insemination is an important event, but it is easy to miss. Because it can cause symptoms similar to your period, you may completely miss implantation. Do your symptoms persist and do you think you are pregnant? Get a pregnancy test quickly! When is it best to test and what does a light result on a pregnancy test mean?


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