Diary of a preggo: week 11

Diary of a preggo: week 11

Dear diary,

Research by 24Baby shows that only 20% buy a stroller in the first 12 weeks. You probably guessed it: I belong to that small minority. The stroller is already parked in the nursery, to my cats' great delight. They have jumped into it several times - against our wishes, of course.

We had a huge windfall. My husband's bonus mum has a wonderful hobby of collecting things, which is why she doesn't want to part with all her children's baby stuff. I understand 100% because I have the same problem with just about every item I have ever bought. This collector's love could not have come at a better time because even the Bugaboo Cameleon 3 was still in storage. One evening, the doorbell rang - and yes, there was our new BMW. With a cup holder for all your coffees to go.

It feels so much more real when that stroller rolls into your house. My bump does not show, except for an extra roll of fat. But this seems to be the physical proof that a mini is on the way.

Immediately, I realise how much work it would be to go everywhere with a baby. Of course, I have heard this before from parents, but it becomes confrontationally clear during the practice of folding and unfolding the pram. On a standard Monday morning, it is already difficult to get out of the house on your own, let alone if you have to carry all the baby stuff with you every time. That will take some practice.

Besides the stroller, another best friend has joined us this week, aka emesafene. This is a suppository that you can 'put in' twice a day to combat nausea and vomiting. For weeks I resisted this and did not want to give in to intense nausea and the accompanying vomiting fits - until last Sunday evening. With great difficulty, I tried again to take my pregnancy vitamins, but the size of the tablets made me gag every time. As a result, I ended up with a bucket on Sunday night and didn't sleep because of nausea. After the physician convinced me that there was really no risk involved, I started on my wonder drug: emesafene.

And believe me when I say that it is a miracle cure for me. Almost immediately, nausea subsided, and the vomiting stopped. The side effect is fatigue, but I take that for granted. I have regained my appetite for good food, and since the end of this week, I dare to go out without my bucket again. I have slowly started to enjoy my pregnancy.

Unconsciously, I put a lot of pressure on myself and absolutely did not want to fail - because that's what taking the medication felt like to me all those weeks. The fact that I hardly worked anymore and was depressed in bed or on the couch every day was a sacrifice I had to make. This has been my lesson for the rest of the pregnancy and perhaps even for parenthood. If I really don't feel well, there is nothing wrong with admitting it and finding risk-free help and resources for it. That is not failure, but taking care of yourself and enjoying your pregnancy as much as possible. And I am ready for that <3

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